All About Draws

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This amazing article was written by:1NaturalDisaster  For: starter
Chess usually has a winner, or a loser. (See article on how to win) But in the case neither side wins, it's know as a draw. Here are the main six ways to draw: 1. Offered draw: A played can offer a draw any time in the game, but it is usually done it positions where neither side can win. Here's a position:

2. Stalemate. Stalemate is one of the more complicated things about draws. It is acheived when one side has no legal moves, but is not in check. Example a:

Example b:

3. 50 move rule. A game is drawn if 50 moves have passed without a capture or pawn move. Here's an example:

4. Insuffficient material. In a position where neither sides can legally checkmate their opponent, it is drawn by insuffiecient Material. Example:

5. 3 move repition. If one is in the EXACT same position 3 times in a game it is a draw. THe reasoning is that the game is probably going nowhere, and is a draw. Example:

6. Perpetual check. If a person is checked over and over again, and can't get out of this, this is a sister rule to the 3 move repition. If you play checks repitedly and you opponent can't get out, it's stalmate. Example.

How to look for draws.
How do you find draws in your games? Look for things like:
1. 6,7, or 8 locked up pawns.
2. Lot's of checks
3. Endgames with the same material.
4. Repetitive positions

I hope you learned lot's in this article. And remember, to play your best, learn, and to have fun!

Reguards, Disaster